Scientific Conference of the UIS 2021 Congress =>2022

Welcome to the website of the Scientific Conference

of the 18th International Congress of Speleology - UIS 2022


Proceedings are still available for sale

20 € the volume, 120 € the 6 / order here

The proceedings are now available for download on the UIS website here

Download the author's index here


Submit a communication

Papers accepted for 2021 are accepted for 2022. 

If you have any special requests, please do not hesitate to contact the people in charge of your symposium.


You wish to present a paper or poster in one of the symposia of the scientific conference. The steps, from submission to acceptance, are as follows:

1: From October 1, 2021 (CLOSE)

Title, authors, abstract (max 200 words), symposium number, choice of oral or poster.
Your proposal will be accepted within a month or so.

2 : From acceptance step 1 and until November 30, 2021 (CLOSE)

Sending articles  formatted by the author, according to the template provided (4 pages, including text, figures and bibliography).The editorial committees review and validate the proposals, within approximately two months. Corrections may be requested from authors at this stage.

3: Within one month of the committees' opinion (CLOSE)

Sending of the final version of the article, edited by the author, according to the template provided.
The editorial committee notifies the acceptance within one month.


Information for authors


To submit an abstract (step 1) or a paper (step 2), a single corresponding author is identified in step 1. The name will be underlined in the list. They are not necessarily the first author but they will have to be registered at the congress and present the paper. This registration to the congress can be done later, on the UIS congress site. The corresponding author opens a registration on this site. They submit an abstract (step 1) and adds their co-authors. The co-authors do not need to create an account. As far as possible, no more than 12 authors will be accepted for a proposal.



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